Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm living next to a (potential) bunker - updated

To the East of my apartment is a wonderful and rare thing in Beijing: an empty field. It's peaceful, serene and even has birds chirping in the morning. And since I face East I'm shielded from the noise of the massive hyper-busy third-ring road about 300m to the West. But that's all about to change, I think they're building a bunker in the field.

The old view of the new BTV (Beijing Television) tower. Hopefully the view won't be blocked.

Looking East, Pingguo Shequ apartment complex, translates to "Apple Community"

A peaceful and tranquil morning as seen from my window.
An exposure shot taken at night. looking NE

I always thought it was a bit strange that the entrance to the field has a "Military Restricted Zone" sign. I wasn't sure what it had to do with the military. I began to notice a lot of night activity in the field. Trucks coming to make deliveries at 4am, waking me up and stirring strong suspicions of conspiracy. Was there an underground nuclear test facility? Were they testing some strange hybrid plant that would be used to reduce smog? Why did a pair of two stray dogs live in the field?
Chinese for "Military Restricted Zone"

About a week ago, the big machines came in. There are now three or four excavators, and a pile of thick-gauge steel cable spools. They've begun excavating minor portions of the field (dismissing my hybrid plant theory), but continue to work at night (supporting my secret underground facilities theory).

The mysterious spools of steel cable, under wraps

I know it's easy to dismiss conspiracy theories. I mean, why would they do it all in plain-sight of my window? But the nighttime excursions thoroughly perplex me. I suppose it's all half-secret, half-open. After all, the buildings on the East of the field also have full view of the field, as well as all the apartments above me for 26 stories.
I asked the guy who runs a little convenience store in the lobby of my building, and he told me they're constructing military buildings. I'm going to try to take some exposure shots at night when they're doing weird 4am digging.

My new view, which will be changing daily. I'll try to take regular shots and make a montage.

UPDATED PHOTOS - OCT 16th to 29th





DAY 9 later
DAY 13
DAY 14
DAY 2-14 composite
The tunnel-drilling crane just outside my window