Saturday, January 27, 2007

Majestic Vancouver Layover

I'm currently in Beijing, but haven't really got any stories yet, so I'm starting with my layover in Vancouver. I arrived in Vancouver on the 25th, at 6pm, and was due to fly out at 12:30pm on the 26th. Yep, they gave me an 18hr layover.
It all worked out though. Vancouver is amazing. I managed to get in contact with Michelle, a friend of Sam's. Michelle lives downtown. She took me out to a fun downtown bar (the Comox Street Long Bar and Grill), we hung with her friends, then in the morning I awoke at 6:30 to go for a walk to English Bay, and through Stanley Park and finally across Coal Harbour. Speaking about it is pointless, I'll let the pictures do the talking.
It took me over half an hour to figure out how to change the language in this blogger to english, in order to post this. Nobody in this hotel speaks english, and I'm struck at how difficult it could be for a non-speaker here.
More on that later :D
Many trees washed up after a wind-storm that took out many oldgrowth trees from Stanley Park, visible on the upper-left.

Stanley Park, emitting an eery ang beautiful fog. Frosty sand.Art.
First impressive tree I encountered in Stanley Park.
Looks cretaceous.

I don't know what type of bird species this young one was.

Apparently they take hydro security very seriously in Vancouver.
First art piece at Coal Harbour.

Only in Vancouver would you see such a beautiful and natural foreground, so near to a major road and condo development.

And finally the mountain began to show clearly through the mist.
The view from Michelle's apartment.

1 comment:

Ms M said...

I knew you'd get some absolutely breathtaking shots. I don't feel so bad about my phone waking you up so early in the morning now ; )

You've got an eye for beauty Zach. I look forward to seeing your shots (and discreet videos) from China.